We have partnered with Mister Minit since 2009. Our reporting has been highly actionable for the Minit team from the CEO and senior leaders right through to every regional and area manager, enabling Minit to get buy in and drive a culture of continual improvement.
“For both the Franchisee Satisfaction Survey and Employee Engagement Survey projects the data is presented via a user-friendly interactive dashboard, where Minit can dissect results. These insights allow comparable data from different periods, along with industry results. We have also customised some questions on specific questions that we like to understand better to drive franchisee satisfaction. The insights are backed up by research and provides a good basis for what we can do in our system to improve.
When results are delivered every leader makes comment on 3 actions that they will improve, and this is measured/ analysed the next survey.
There is good leveraging of the results between the 13 different areas in our Operations Team and regular analysis of what they have done to impact the results.
We have been partnering with 10 THOUSAND FEET since 2009. 10 THOUSAND FEET’s independent research is used as part of our leadership incentive scheme. It forms part of the annual review process and provides a key point of focus.
10 THOUSAND FEET’s insights have helped retain our franchisees; average franchise tenure for Minit is 15 years vs 7 years for industry.
The independent reality 10 THOUSAND FEET provide on team sentiment has given us the confidence to make targeted changes, one saw a particular State NPS go from minus 70 to plus 10 in just six months, another recent change saw a 13% increase in a supply chain satisfaction metric.
We use franchisee/employee satisfaction in the everyday language of our business. The NPS – how we behave with franchisees (detractors versus promoters) influences behaviour especially when a difficult issue arises.”
Maria Walton, CEO, Oceania & South East Asia